Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Praise God!!

Well, the appt today went really well. She does have thalassemia minor (a type of anemia), which is what I have. We were thinking it probably was that, but her Dr. wanted to be sure. So...it is not life changing or anything. She will need to be taking vitamins and he also strongly encouraged me to be taking mine too! We will have to watch her. If she gets jaundiced or really run down, we'll need to have her levels checked. Worst case...she'd have to have a blood transfusion. So...all is well. Thank you so much for your prayers. We really appreciate it.

I wanted to mention to you all that we were in the oncology clinic at this children's hospital. There were so many sick kids there...at least a dozen or so coming and going...receiving treatment I'm sure. Most of them were smiling. I felt such hope from them.....and they are the ones fighting to stay alive. Amazing. It humbled me and made me very thankful for the blessing today, that I found out that I don't have to bear that burden at this time in my life. I also felt sad thinking of all that they are going through, their families probably turned upside down. It also made me aware of how easily I get "hung up" on the dumb things in my own life. It will be hard to complain about anything without some of their faces coming to mind.

Anyway...thank you again for your prayers and words of encouragement. Sydney is also FINALLY feeling better. So for now, I am at peace.

Hope you all are too....count your blessings!


Lisa said...

Praise God, indeed! I'm glad to hear Sydney is going to be OK. I've seen a few pictures, however I hope to meet her in person one day and see Asher and Sienna again (and their parents, of course!). You all were once a part of my every day there for a while.

The Gearharts said...

So glad for you and your family. We have been praying for you. God is good!
How did they realize she was anemic in the beginning?
Amy G

Carolyn said...

Praise God for answering prayers this way!

Love you all,

Rachel said...

Praise the Lord! Prayer is a powerful thing! Give those babies a hug and kiss from us. Love ya girl!

flee said...

Thanks everybody!

AMY...she had been sick for a while. We took her in to be tested for flu and mono and they both came back negative. It was just a CBC that they did for the mono and he saw that her hemoglobin was 8.1 so.....we went from there. How have you been feeling?

Love you guys..flee

Daniel said...

So glad to hear that thinks are okay. Your family will be in my continued prayers.