Thursday, September 27, 2007

Anybody out there???

Wow....look at all these cobwebs....oh how I have negelected this little blog!

Well...let me do some dusting and give this thing some TLC...

Hello! My name is Felicia Patten in case anyone still reads....I had a busy summer and yes, I survived it! Todd was gone the whole summer practically. I have new respect for single moms. We made it thru though and so far, have had a good start to the school year. Sienna also turned 5, and I didn't get to post about it. We had a HS Musical 2 watch/birthday party! Yes, my 5 year old is a HS musical fan. It was pretty fun. We didn't do a whole lot this summer, which, in retrospect, was nice. It kinda reminded me of my summers growing up. Don't you remember the days of just playing outside all day, until the sun went down, riding your bike, running around the neighborhood? I did go to basketball camp when I got older quite a bit, but nowadays, kids are as busy in the summer as they are during the school year. It's a little over the top in my opinion. Here in Searcy, one is not lacking for things to do in the summer. There is a camp or something like camp EVERY week in the summer. I guess that's nice for folks who work and need babysitting. I'm not dogging it, just thankful I have the option to be home with mine. We missed Todd alot, but we all made it thru in one piece. And, he made an "A" in both stat classes he was taking!!!