Tuesday, October 09, 2007

OH Good grief.....

Alright, alright....I don't like these things too terribly much, but I'll do it because my two teammates keep ganging up on me. And I love them. So...here goes:

Here are the rules. 1)Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. (2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. (4) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1. I like to watch UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships)! I admit it, I know it's barbaric, but I like to watch it. I even have a few favorites! It's probably from years of watching karate movies with my brother, who is older than me, and such.

2. As I commented on a friends blog the other day, when I go grocery shopping, I like to put things in a certain order in the basket so that they go in order on the conveyor belt, so the bags can be put back into the basket in the right order, so the bags can be placed into my van in the right order. Call it what you want people, but it is the only way to do it.

3. Sometimes I put my ipod on to wash dishes or pick up around the house when the kids are home, and when Todd is home. I inform him that I will be "checking out for a bit." Some days I don't think I can hear "mommmmmeeeeee" one more time. I love my ipod by the way. My favorite new song is "Everything" by Lifehouse. There is the coolest video on youtube right now of that song. Check it out. You'll have to google it because I don't know how to put links in.

4. I want to be a nurse when I grow up. I'm going to do it too.

5. I LOVE to eat toast for breakfast with my coffee. It's just the best.

6. I'm not the best housekeeper in the world, I admit it. If you have any tips on how to keep up with little people getting in your way and needing you, please email me.

7. My favorite Starbucks drink is a java chip frapp....but I only drink them every so often because it's like eating a meal calorie wise. But I LOVE them. I don't like the light version either because it isn't the same.

8. I own an antique shotgun that belonged to Todd's grandfather. It's a 410 and I like shooting it. Yes, we are adjusting to the ways of Arkansas. But I'll always be Texan.

Ok..I'm done. I tag Donna, Regina, Theresa, Desiree, Amy, Rachel and Shauna.


Gina said...

Ok, that was fun!! Thank you for tagging me ;o)

Unknown said...

I am the same way with my grocery cart. :)

The Gearharts said...

I don't put it in the basket in an order, but I stack it on the belt in a perfect order. Thank you:) I don't get to be around you, but it makes me smile getting to hear about our crazy habits and such. Will you be in Texas in Dec.?

Toni Burns said...

Thanks for the info. I love you! You are a lot of fun. Toni